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—Please choose an option—Payroll QuarterlyPayroll AnnualCORPORATE SIMPLE ; Rev < 50KCORPORATE EZ; Rev 50-250KIncorporationSales TaxFranchise TaxIncorporation consultationCorporate KitBasic Consultation 1 hourAdvanced ConsultationPremium Consultation 1/2 hourPremium consultation 1 hourDissolutionChange of AddressShare TransferArticle of Amendment for TX StateArticle of Amendment Out of stateIRS NoticeCorp Tax AmendmentIndiv. Tax Amendment LocalIndiv. Tax Amendment with Foreign incomeCondonation PetitionEstate Contract AgreementQuickBooks setup chargePayroll setup chargeNotaryITIN applicationForm 8832Form 1116Form 2555Form 8938Form 8621FBAR Form currentItemized deductionSchedule CRegister agent ServiceState Payroll Tax IDCancelling Payroll IDNon Profit IncorporationNon profit Tax returnSimple Lease agreementLease agreement with site selectionLegal draftingPartnership agreementUnemployment IDReinstate with SOS & TX CompMultiplex Planning